End-to-end mobile app to end food waste/eliminate hunger
TLDR Summary
This is a UX case study for a mobile app that I designed during my coursework in Designlab UX Academy.

My Role
I researched, designed, tested and iterated an end-to-end mobile app for a food waste reduction non-profit called Kai.
Kai’s mission is to eliminate food waste and hunger. They aim to serve businesses in the food industry (restaurants, hotels, grocery stores, churches, for private functions, and more) with an app that allows them to easily connect and distribute their excess food to those who need it, in a timely, safe, and easy way.
Kai currently has a local (small) scale system of drivers and trucks, in Chicago, but the organization wants to scale up and automate their process.
Additionally, the app will be branded and tailored for ease of use and repeat use.

80 hours, 4 weeks
Full case study
Key insights
1. Use existing design patterns when at all possible, especially when designing for efficiency and ease of use, as was the case with Kai.

2. In keeping with the demands of efficiency and ease, clean and spare logo and UI design go a long way to creating satisfaction and comfort, increasing user engagement.